Friday, November 29, 2019

Frankenstein Essays - Frankenstein, English-language Films

Frankenstein Frankenstein Morality. It has been questioned by people, honored by people and revered since the beginning of time. Yet even today not one person can say what is morally right. It is a matter of opinion. It was Dr.Victor Frankenstein's opinion that it was alright to create a "monster". Frankenstein's creation needed a companion. Knowing that his first creation was evil should the doctor make a second? With the knowledge at hand, to Dr.Frankenstein, it is not at all morally correct to bring another monster into the world. Looking at this probelm with his family in mind, the doctor begins his work on the second monster. The first monster threatened Frankenstein and even his family. The monster angrily said to Frankenstein, "I can make you so wretched." (pg. 162) Trying to scare Frankenstein for not creating his mate the monster resorted to threats. If the good doctor does create a companion for his first creation he may be e ndangering others. "The miserable monster whom I had created," (pg.152) says Victor upon looking back at his work. If there is another monster there will be twice the power and possibly twice the evil, which could hurt or kill his family. When and if Frankenstein commits the moral sin of creating another monster he may be rid of both monsters forever. "With the companion you bestow I will quit the neighbourhood of man,"(pg 142) promises the morally corrupt monster to the doctor upon the completion of his partner. When the doctor, if and when he, finished his first creation's mate there is a chance that the monsters will not keep their promise and stay in Europe envoking fear into townfolk. The good doctor, trying to act morally, destroys the monster for the good of the world. The monsters can potentially take over whatever they please. "A race of devils would be propegated,"(pg. 163) thinks Frankenstein to himself in his study. The monsters, if powerful enough, could possibly take o ver Europe. Frankenstein realizes that he can not possibly doom the world to benefit himself. "Shall I, in coold blood, set loose upon the earth a daemon.."(pg. 162) argues Frankenstein with his creation. It is not morally right for one person to unleash such a terror on the world to benefit only himself and his family. Frankenstein will not let any example change his mind on the point that the monster is and will always be morally corupt. Continuing on his point that the monster was too evil to duplicate, Frankenstein says, "Your threats cannot move me to do an act of wickedness; but they confirm me in determination of not creating you a companion in vice."( pg. 163) Frankenstein will not sacrifice his morallity because of persuation from a monster. Although beholding the threat of death and misery Frankenstein held his ground and did not sacrifice his moral. When and if Frankenstein creates another monster he can not feel as if he has done the morally right thing. From creating the monster Frankenstein will some how be making people other than himself unhappy. " I consent to your demand, on your solem oath to quite Europe forever, and every other place in the neighbourhood of man,"(pg. 143) says Frankenstein as he sees the power that the two could possibly possess. The good doctor sees that with his own hands he could possibly scar the world forever. The doctor wants, if anyone, himself to be unhappy instead of all of man kind. "Begone! I do break my promise," (pg. 162) states the doctor angrily. Not thinking about himself but the world unselfishly breaks his promise to the monster. Possessing such a great mind the doctor is able to realize that a greater evil will be realesed upon the earth then upon himself. "Your threats cannot move me to do an act of wickedness,"(pg. 162) says the doctor as he argues his point with his creation. The doctor sees that a greater and more horrible result can come from him making the second monster than not. With the knowle dge at hand, to Dr.Frankenstein, it is not at all morally correct to bring another monster into the world. On the one hand if the second monster Frankenstein Essays - Frankenstein, English-language Films Frankenstein By Mary Shelley 236 pages Setting: Geneva, England Characters: Victor Frankenstein- A determined man who keeps everything to himself. He is strong, brave, and smart. The creature- A kind soul that is misunderstood because he is so ugly. He killed people only because Victor wouldn't make him a wife. Plot- In the first five chapters you learn about where Victor lives and about his hometown. His family and friends are also told about. He also gives life to the creature. In chapters six through ten Victor returns home and finds out William was murdered. Victor sees the creature near his town and thinks it was him who killed William. A girl named Justine was also accused for Williams's death and was found guilty in court. She was killed for the crime she didn't do. In the next five chapters you find out about the creatures life and how he learned to speak and read. He tells the story of his life to Victor. In chapters sixteen through twenty the creature finishes the story of his life and asked Victor to make him a female so he could move to the rainforest with her in South America. Victor and a friend Clerval went to London and many other countries. Clerval later left Victor and Victor went to an island in Scotland to work on a female. One night Victor decided he was not going to create the female and tore her body parts apart. After that the creature walked in and said, " I will be with you on your wedding day and then left." The next day night Victor left on a boat and threw the body pieces in the ocean. He got back to the Island and was accused of murder. In the last chapters Victor saw the body of Clerval's and became sick for many days. When he got home he married Elizabeth and she was killed the first night they were together. Soon after Elizabeth's death Victor's father died. Victor chased the creature till he himself died in Antarctica. After Victor died the creature disappeared forever. I learned how hard it could be to be different and made fun of. I can apply it in my life because everyone is different and people are often made fun of for being different. I am like Victor because I am also very determined to succeed in life. I wish I could be as brave as Victor was in the story.

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