Friday, November 29, 2019

Frankenstein Essays - Frankenstein, English-language Films

Frankenstein Frankenstein Morality. It has been questioned by people, honored by people and revered since the beginning of time. Yet even today not one person can say what is morally right. It is a matter of opinion. It was Dr.Victor Frankenstein's opinion that it was alright to create a "monster". Frankenstein's creation needed a companion. Knowing that his first creation was evil should the doctor make a second? With the knowledge at hand, to Dr.Frankenstein, it is not at all morally correct to bring another monster into the world. Looking at this probelm with his family in mind, the doctor begins his work on the second monster. The first monster threatened Frankenstein and even his family. The monster angrily said to Frankenstein, "I can make you so wretched." (pg. 162) Trying to scare Frankenstein for not creating his mate the monster resorted to threats. If the good doctor does create a companion for his first creation he may be e ndangering others. "The miserable monster whom I had created," (pg.152) says Victor upon looking back at his work. If there is another monster there will be twice the power and possibly twice the evil, which could hurt or kill his family. When and if Frankenstein commits the moral sin of creating another monster he may be rid of both monsters forever. "With the companion you bestow I will quit the neighbourhood of man,"(pg 142) promises the morally corrupt monster to the doctor upon the completion of his partner. When the doctor, if and when he, finished his first creation's mate there is a chance that the monsters will not keep their promise and stay in Europe envoking fear into townfolk. The good doctor, trying to act morally, destroys the monster for the good of the world. The monsters can potentially take over whatever they please. "A race of devils would be propegated,"(pg. 163) thinks Frankenstein to himself in his study. The monsters, if powerful enough, could possibly take o ver Europe. Frankenstein realizes that he can not possibly doom the world to benefit himself. "Shall I, in coold blood, set loose upon the earth a daemon.."(pg. 162) argues Frankenstein with his creation. It is not morally right for one person to unleash such a terror on the world to benefit only himself and his family. Frankenstein will not let any example change his mind on the point that the monster is and will always be morally corupt. Continuing on his point that the monster was too evil to duplicate, Frankenstein says, "Your threats cannot move me to do an act of wickedness; but they confirm me in determination of not creating you a companion in vice."( pg. 163) Frankenstein will not sacrifice his morallity because of persuation from a monster. Although beholding the threat of death and misery Frankenstein held his ground and did not sacrifice his moral. When and if Frankenstein creates another monster he can not feel as if he has done the morally right thing. From creating the monster Frankenstein will some how be making people other than himself unhappy. " I consent to your demand, on your solem oath to quite Europe forever, and every other place in the neighbourhood of man,"(pg. 143) says Frankenstein as he sees the power that the two could possibly possess. The good doctor sees that with his own hands he could possibly scar the world forever. The doctor wants, if anyone, himself to be unhappy instead of all of man kind. "Begone! I do break my promise," (pg. 162) states the doctor angrily. Not thinking about himself but the world unselfishly breaks his promise to the monster. Possessing such a great mind the doctor is able to realize that a greater evil will be realesed upon the earth then upon himself. "Your threats cannot move me to do an act of wickedness,"(pg. 162) says the doctor as he argues his point with his creation. The doctor sees that a greater and more horrible result can come from him making the second monster than not. With the knowle dge at hand, to Dr.Frankenstein, it is not at all morally correct to bring another monster into the world. On the one hand if the second monster Frankenstein Essays - Frankenstein, English-language Films Frankenstein By Mary Shelley 236 pages Setting: Geneva, England Characters: Victor Frankenstein- A determined man who keeps everything to himself. He is strong, brave, and smart. The creature- A kind soul that is misunderstood because he is so ugly. He killed people only because Victor wouldn't make him a wife. Plot- In the first five chapters you learn about where Victor lives and about his hometown. His family and friends are also told about. He also gives life to the creature. In chapters six through ten Victor returns home and finds out William was murdered. Victor sees the creature near his town and thinks it was him who killed William. A girl named Justine was also accused for Williams's death and was found guilty in court. She was killed for the crime she didn't do. In the next five chapters you find out about the creatures life and how he learned to speak and read. He tells the story of his life to Victor. In chapters sixteen through twenty the creature finishes the story of his life and asked Victor to make him a female so he could move to the rainforest with her in South America. Victor and a friend Clerval went to London and many other countries. Clerval later left Victor and Victor went to an island in Scotland to work on a female. One night Victor decided he was not going to create the female and tore her body parts apart. After that the creature walked in and said, " I will be with you on your wedding day and then left." The next day night Victor left on a boat and threw the body pieces in the ocean. He got back to the Island and was accused of murder. In the last chapters Victor saw the body of Clerval's and became sick for many days. When he got home he married Elizabeth and she was killed the first night they were together. Soon after Elizabeth's death Victor's father died. Victor chased the creature till he himself died in Antarctica. After Victor died the creature disappeared forever. I learned how hard it could be to be different and made fun of. I can apply it in my life because everyone is different and people are often made fun of for being different. I am like Victor because I am also very determined to succeed in life. I wish I could be as brave as Victor was in the story.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Annexation of Hawaii essays

The Annexation of Hawaii essays In the 19th century, Hawaii was not a part of the United States. Hawaii was a kingdom, ruled by King Kalakaua, and then surpassed by his sister, who became Queen Liliuokalani. Hawaii was an economically important location for the United States. Since the 1790s, American merchants would stop there on their way to China and India. Followed by the merchants came the Missionaries, who opened up schools and churches on the island. Sugar merchants also settled on Hawaii, and they eventually changed the Hawaiian economy. There were many sugar plantations in Hawaii, and the people who worked on these plantations were from other countries, such as Japan, Portugal, and China. Sugar was easily sold to the U.S. because there was no tariff, or shipping tax, on the sugar. The McKinley Tariff of 1890, however, placed a tax on Hawaiian sugar, and made it more expensive than Cuban sugar. Plantation owners wanted Hawaii to be annexed so their sugar would be tax-free. The population of the immigrants who worked on the sugar plantations, combined with the population of the plantation owners, was higher than the population of the Hawaiian people. White business leaders in Hawaii wanted the King, King Kalakaua, to change Hawaiis constitution to grant voting rights only to wealthy landowners, so that meant the natives couldnt vote. Queen Liliuokalani, who took over after her brother, King Kalakaua, died, wanted to remove the property qualifications for voting. She also proposed a new constitution that would restore political power to Hawaiis people, and not the white business leaders, or plantation owners, etc. The business leaders did not like this idea, and with the help of U.S. ambassador John L. Stevens, they organized a revolution against the queen. On January 16, 1893, the U.S.S. Boston appeared in Honolulu harbor, and the marines and volunteer troops imprisoned Queen Liliuokalani in her own palace. A provisional go ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 30

Assignment Example Hume claimed that in his reflections on the self, he learnt that it is impossible to have a unified impression of self without the particular perceptions. Hume argued that whenever he thinks about the concept of self, what he finds are particular perceptions such as heat or cold, love or hate, or pleasure or pain. Hume argued that these particular perceptions do not exist as a unified entity that can be termed self, Hume says, â€Å" Pain and pleasure, grief and joy, passions and sensations succeed each other, and never all exist at the same time† (Selby-Bigger, 294). For this reason, therefore, Hume concluded self is an illusion, and that what we call self is a bundle of sensations. Unlike Hume, however, Immanuel Kant held that self is a reality and that we are able to know the self. Kant’s conception of the self is also an offshoot of his Epistemology. In his theory of knowledge, Immanuel Kant taught that there are two sources of human knowledge, which are sensibility and understanding. According to Immanuel Kant, sensibility gives us objects, while the understanding thinks and reasons about the given objects. For Kant, therefore, it is possible for us to have knowledge of things which have no direct impressions. Kant, therefore, argued that by looking for the self in sense impressions, Hume was looking for the self in the wrong place. For Kant, the self is the entity that unifies human experiences, thus enabling human mind to synthesis sense perceptions. For Kant, the self is what Rene Descartes had termed as the thinking I. By arguing that existence precedes essence, Sartre meant that human beings are born indeterminate, or without their essence, and that it is human beings themselves who make up their essence. According to Sartre, human beings are not determined, before they are born, what they will be in life. For this reason, therefore, Sartre viewed human beings as existing first before they determine their essence of what they will be in life.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The right of self- defense in international law Essay

The right of self- defense in international law - Essay Example The right to self-defence is specified under Article 51 of the UN Charter. It basically states that â€Å"nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of collective or individual self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to maintain international peace and security†1. Other details on the exercise of the right are further specified in the article which includes the need for members exercising self-defence to immediately report to the Security Council – actions which do not prevent the Council from taking the necessary action to maintain and restore peace and security. Based on this Charter, this paper shall discuss the following issue: Does international law adequately address the right to self-defence? This paper seeks to provide a critical analysis of the use of this right in international law. This paper is being carried out in order to establish a compr ehensive analysis of this right, as well as its actual applications in relation to nation states. Discussion Article 51 of the UN Charter as cited above provides an acknowledgment of a nation’s right to self-defence. There is however an issue on whether or not, the international laws as a whole adequately addresses such right. The Nicaragua case is one of the landmark cases which set forth a discussion on this matter. In 1909, President Taft ordered that Nicaraguan President Jose Santos Zelaya be deposed from power. This ushered in very unstably times for Nicaragua which saw a huge contingent of marines landing in their country and occupying the railway line to Granada2. During this time, a pro-US government group was formed and in 1914, and the Bryan-Chamorro Treaty was signed. This treaty effectively granted to the US perpetual rights to the canal. This agreement prevented anyone else from building a canal in Nicaragua unless permitted by the US3. A peasant apprising led by Sandino was seen in 1927 against US occupation and against Nicaraguan authorities as well. This prompted the US Marines to withdraw, leaving the National Guard to handle internal security issues and the elections. The head of the Guards, Somoza Garcia ordered his troops to capture Sandino4. Somoza eventually became its President, staying in power as a dictator until 1979. His regime eventually fell with the embezzlement of million in dollars of foreign aid which were directed to the country as a result of the 1972 earthquake5. The Socialist Sandinista (FLSN) movement was against this corruption and started expanding their influence over the country, seeking support from all those interested. The US did not favour this socialist movement and under President Carter’s rule, they established support for the Somocistas, providing material and financial aid to them6. Reagan further continued this aid, also providing support to the Contras or the anti-Sandinista group. Financial an d military support was provided to the group by Reagan, despite protests from Congress. This persisted despite the fact that no Nicaraguan armed attempts against the US were ever reported. Nicaragua argued before the international court that the US essentially supported military and paramilitary actions against Nicaragua, and as such violated Article 2(4) of the UN Charter; Articles 18 and 20 of the Charter of the Organization of American States; Article 8 of the Convention on Rights and Duties of States; Article I, Third of the Convention concerning Duties and Rights of States in the Event of Civil Strife7. Nicaragua demanded reparations for the acts of the US in terms of damage to

Monday, November 18, 2019

Felons Should Keep Their Rights to Vote after Conviction Essay

Felons Should Keep Their Rights to Vote after Conviction - Essay Example The causes of felony are many. However the most common cause of the crimes includes but not limited to poverty, unemployment as well as a way of retaliating. Another reason could be due to homelessness (Lynch, 309–322). The impacts felons have on the society are very important. First and foremost, based on their previous track record which is usually bad, such people are rarely accepted well in the society. As a result, most of them are usually unable to secure employment (Hull, 83). This is because the employees are usually afraid of the dangers and losses they can incur in case they recruit such people; thus, there many felons who are unemployed and fail to find any job. This large number has adverse effects on the society. More than 75% of the felons do not get employed within the first year out of prison. There are two major consequences of it. First; they become a great burden to both the public as well as the tax payers for their support. This leads to financial crisis t o the entire society (Lynch, 309–322). Another major problem that arises with felons is the impact they have on culture. This is because it is usually hard to find peace prevailing in a region where many felons exist (Chapin, 163–183). Felons who are not employed not only find it hard to meet their bills but also to secure some shelter. Therefore, most of them usually engage in criminal activities in an attempt to satisfy their basic needs. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs gives an illustration of the needs that drive humans in their activities in an attempt to make ends meet. ... These requirements form the basis of motivation in humans in the world. This is because humans strive to fulfill their basic needs before proceeding to needs that considered advanced. The basic physical needs include food shelter and clothing (Hull, 83). Such needs are met at whatever cost regardless on the consequences they have on the external environment. In fact such needs are deemed responsible for the changes that are noticed in the external environment. Providing employment opportunities for felons is an important way of reducing the amounts of crimes individuals engage in. This because employment will enable them realizes self esteem which is very crucial in the process of one realizing the goals. Their inability to secure housing has led to homelessness among felons. Therefore; they resort to staying in shelters and engaging in panhandling. This is to the disadvantage of many communities who never want people to be homeless (Lynch, 309–322). The lack issue of felons l acking employment also limits their ability of going health insurance. This is also an important issue as most of such individuals usually have medical conditions that need to be treated. This in itself is a great challenge to the medical practitioners and especially the existing public health care systems. Most of the system institutions have limited services to offer to such people. It consequently increases their chances of committing more crimes. One of the justifications of this statement is that most of them would commit such crimes out mental breakdown unknowingly. Felons should keep their rights to vote after conviction because they join the entire community of a nation and have equal rights just like other citizens. My assumption is that they

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Marketing Strategy Of Virgin Atlantic Airways Tourism Essay

Marketing Strategy Of Virgin Atlantic Airways Tourism Essay It has won business and customer awards from around the world. Virgin Atlantic stands at the second largest international airline to come under the British Long Haul category. Virgin Atlantic holds a United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority Type A Operating License, which permits it to carry passengers, cargo, and mail on aircraft with 20 or more seats. It is based out of Crawley, England. Virgin Atlantic operates a fleet of 38 aircrafts: 13 Boeing 747s and 25 Airbus A340, with a pending 6 orders of Airbus A380, and 23 orders of Boeing 787 to be delivered in 2013 and 2011 respectively. Over 9000 people are employed by the company. Virgin Atlantic has been known for its dfferent slogans, as shown. in the past: Mines bugger than yours, 4 Engines 4 Long haul, Avoid the Q, Keep Discovering Until You Find The Best, No way BA/AA. Virgin Atlantic not only provides the product and service, but adds its own style, and personality to it, which most corporations lack. Geographical market The airline industry is classified into four categories by the Department of Transportation (DOT): International Plans require 130 or more seats, and usually travel without many limitations destination-wise, and have an annual revenue of one billion or more American Dollars. National Airlines with capacities of about 100 150 people, with an annual revenue between $100 million and $1 billion; Regional Largely only used for short haul flights, these usually constitute of a total revenue less that $100 million; Cargo Airlines that primarily deal with transportation of goods, rather than passengers. PEST Analysis Political Factors State owned airlines are particularly affected by these factors. Parts of their business has to be done with consideration regarding routes, free seating for ministers, etc. Private airlines do this as/when it is convenient, and would not go out on a limb. Archaic laws apply on State owned airlines regarding labour regulations, retirement age, etc. which decreases management options due to the strength of the Union, and the controlling of the government. This affects the quality of the service delivery therefore these airlines have to think of innovative service marketing ideas which overcome their problems, while keeping them in the running against private airlines. Economic Factors Business cycles control a large part of the industry. At peaking phases people indulge themselves in travel and fares can be increased. However at economic recession, air travel is considered a luxury, and use of it is often decreased considerably, which leads to minimising business for the airlines, and lower rates. The terrorist attacks known by their date, September 11, led to a global recession, with the depression of the consumers. The loss of income for airlines led to higher operational costs due to lower demand and higher insurance costs, which increased after the terrorist attacks. This left the industry with little choice but to lay off employees, which increases unemployment, decreases consumer spending, thus decreasing their sales. Even the SARS outbreak in the Far East was a major cause for slump in the airline industry. Social Factors The changing travel habits of people have very wide implications for the airline industry. In UK, there are varied income groups, with varied ethnicities. The airlines have to recognize these individuals and should serve them accordingly. The destination, kind of food etc all has to be chosen carefully in accordance with the tastes of their major clientele, while keeping the variety in mind. Another good example would be the case of South West Airlines which occupies a solid position in the minds of the US air travelers as a reliable and convenient, fun, low fare, and no frills airline. The major element of its success was the augmented marketing mix which it used very effectively. What South West did was it made the environment inside the plane very consumer friendly. The crew neither has any uniform nor does it serve any lavish foods, which indirectly reduces the costs and makes the consumers feel comfortable. Technological Factors Internet alone has drastically changed the airline industry. Air Sahara has introduced a service through the internet, wherein the unoccupied seats are auctioned one week prior to the departure, as an example. Also, most airlines provide many internet based services to its customer such as online ticket booking, updated flight information handling of customer complaints THE COMPETITION As an independent airline, Virgin Atlantic successfully competes on all of its routes with most of the industrys major national carriers. These include British Airways, bmi british midland, American Airlines, Continental, Delta and United on transatlantic routes; BA and SAA to South Africa; BA, ANA, Cathay Pacific and JAL to the Far East; BA to Delhi. THE COMPETITORS SALES AND PROFIT TRENDS The airlines industry is very competitive, although the barriers of entry for new airlines are lower in a market with a lack of government regulation. A deregulated market occurs when a government does not dictate airfares, route networks, and other operational requirements for airlines. Deregulation has produced far greater competition and because of this, average fares tend to drop 20% or more. [4] The competition, combined with the freedom of pricing, limit a new airline from competing at its stage, but also acts as a major constraint on profitability for established carriers, which tend to have a higher cost base. TABLE 1: Top 25 Global Airlines Revenue 2006 Airline Lists 2006 Revenues (Million US) % Air France KLM 28,945.00 10.28 Lufthansa 24,903.70 8.85 AMR Corporation 22,563.00 8.02 Japan Airlines System Corporation 18,905.40 6.72 UAL Corporation 17,882.00 6.35 Delta Air Lines, Inc. 17,171.00 6.10 Continental AG 13,128.00 4.66 Northwest Airlines Corporation 12,568.00 4.47 All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd. 11,765.80 4.18 US Airways Group, Inc. 11,557.00 4.11 British Airways Plc 10,654.60 3.79 Qantas Airways 10,272.20 3.65 Singapore Airlines Limited 9,119.30 3.24 Southwest Airlines Co. 9,086.00 3.23 Air Canada Inc 8,934.40 3.17 Korean Air Lines Co., Ltd. 8,328.60 2.96 SAS Group 8,236.90 2.93 Cathay Pacific Airways Limited 7,823.80 2.78 Emirates Group 7,423.20 2.64 Iberia 6,473.80 2.30 Alitalia-Linee Aeree Italiane S.p.A. 5,927.50 2.11 Virgin Group 3,518.10 1.25 TAM S.A. 2,515.50 0.89 Air India 2,060.80 0.73 ExpressJet Holdings, Inc. 1,679.60 0.60 Total 281,443.20 100.00 Source : Datamonitor ( MARKET SHARE: The Companys Market Share: Year Total passengers carried Total cumulative 1984 124,711 124,711 1985 245,404 370,115 1986 289,060 659,175 1987 464,196 1,123,371 1988 626,319 1,749,690 1989 619,506 2,369,196 1990 837,136 3,206,332 1991 1,044,760 4,251,092 1992 1,239,011 5,490,103 1993 1,398,834 6,888,937 1994 1,679,403 8,568,340 1995 2,029,624 10,597,964 1996 2,293,802 12,891,766 1997 2,806,538 15,698,304 1998 3,201,795 18,900,099 1999 3,622,402 22,522,501 2000 4,280,513 26,803,014 2001 4,105,115 30,908,129 2002 3,808,687 34,720,689 2003 3,850,578 38,571,267 Source: Target Markets: Virgin Atlantic offers very individualized services to their customers, due to their belief in the importance of individuals. Virgin Atlantic has targeted upper class customers who are primarily business passengers traveling on transatlantic routes. Virgin Atlantic realized the opportunity to gain a considerable market share through effective marketing of their quality, fun, innovative, honest, and caring airline. Business travels are often those who travel several times through a year, and often tend to purchase upgraded services, which is beneficial for the airline. On the other hand, leisure travelers are less likely to purchase these premium services as they are usually price sensitive. In times of economic uncertainty or sharp decline in consumer confidence it is expected for the amount of leisure travelers to decline. The Companys Sales and Profit Trends: Y/E April 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 TURNOVER  £1401m  £1272m  £1630m  £1912m  £2140m PROFIT  £15.7m  £20.9m  £20.1m  £41.6m  £46.8m SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses -Brand image -Increased traffic -Financial strength -Declining market share in key markets -Lack of scale Opportunities Threats -Expanding passenger traffic in Asia -Increase in trans-pacific cargo -Partnership with ANA -Cargo price-fixing investigation -Rising aviation fuel prices -Terrorist attacks and scares deter passengers from flying Source: Virgin Atlantic Datamonitor Strengths Strong brand image Virgin Atlantic is a part of Richard Bransons Virgin Group, which has strong brand image, and is known across most of the world. Increased passenger and cargo traffic Virgin Atlantic recorded higher passenger and cargo traffic in 2006, as compared to 2005. The number of passengers carried by the company rose by 3.7% to 4.5 million. The quantity of cargo and mail carried increased by 9.1% to 163,165 tons. Strong financial position The company has witnessed strong revenue growth in fiscal 2006. It recorded revenues of  £1,912 million in fiscal 2006, an increase of 17.3% from 2005. The operating profit of the company was  £41.6 million during fiscal year 2006 as compared to  £20.1 million in 2005. Moreover, the operating margin of the company also increased from 1.2% in 2005 to 2.2% in 2006. Privately Owned Virgin Atlantic is privately owned; therefore, decisions can made quickly. Weaknesses Declining market share in key markets Despite strong brand image and improved financial performance, Virgin Atlantics market share has declined in most of its markets in 2006. Its market share in New York, East Coast, Caribbean, India and China has declined from 25%, 21%, 59%, 23% and 22% in 2005 to 24%, 17%, 57%, 18% and 8%, respectively, in 2006. Lack of scale The company operates 27 destinations whereas, its top competitors British Airways and Thai Airways International operates 148 and 600 destinations worldwide. Opportunities Expanding passenger traffic in Asia Pacific Driven by increased economic activity in emerging Asian countries such as China and India, demand for air travel to the Asia Pacific is rising. Virgin Atlantic already has significant presence in this region and is well positioned to benefit from increasing air travel to Asia. Increase in trans-pacific cargo The outlook for trans-pacific cargo market is positive. During 2006-2009, the market is expected to increase by an average of 7%, an increase from a 4.3% average annual growth recorded during 1999-2004. Because Virgin Atlantic operates Virgin Cargo, a worldwide air cargo business, this will allow opportunity for the company to further strengthen its market position in cargo. Partnership with ANA In September 2006, Virgin Atlantic announced that it has teamed up with one of the worlds ten largest airlines, All Nippon Airways (ANA), which allows Virgin Atlantic passengers to fly to Japan on ANAs domestic services. This new arrangement with ANA would enable the company to offer better service to its customers. Threats Cargo price-fixing investigation The US Justice Department and the executive body of the European Union have launched an investigation into allegations of price-fixing in the air cargo industry in February 2006 and one of the companys investigated was Virgin Atlantic. If the company is found to have participated in price-fixing, it may have to pay a significant fine and investor confidence could also be impacted. Rising aviation fuel prices Due to the rising oil prices globally, the prices of aviation fuel have increased substantially. This could impact Virgin Atlantics margins as it is mostly reliant on air freight business. Terrorist attacks and scares can deter passengers from flying When terrorist attacks occur, it places fear in potential customers, and can deter individuals from flying. SEGMENTATION Virgin Atlantic has two primary segments: Upper Class, and Economy class, with Economy Class segmented further to Premium Class, and Regular Economy, consisting of regular economy fare and coach fares. The premium class includes a separate economy cabin for full fares and option to pay extra for chauffeur driven cars and clubhouse lounges. The Upper Class is generally comprised of males between 35 to 45 years of age and that earn more than $75,000 a year. The Premium Economy is used evenly by business and leisure travelers, usually around 40 years of age. Marketing mix: Product For an airline, a marketing mix must be developed keeping both in-flight services, and ground services in mind, while also considering it as a tangible product, as well as a service. On the ground, transportation to and from the airport, online bookings, and check in services as well as duty free shopping, and parking options. In-flight services are most customers primary focus. Staff training becomes essential here, to allow customers to feel approached as they would appreciate, in order to to form customer loyalty and satisfaction. Price Most airlines use competitive pricing for both economy and business travellers. The ticket fare is divided like so: Basic fares; subject to availability, class and destination. Insurance; standardised. Inland Aviation Travel Tax (IATT); depending on the country intended to travel to. Passenger Service Fee (PSF); standardised. Also airlines use seasonal pricing. Tickets are usually more expensive when purchased during peak seasons such as holidays. Promotion In the UK advertising consists primarily of TV, press, magazines, outdoor posters and taxi sides, all featuring our distinctive logo. Advertising allows awareness to be raised of current products, their improvements, and new products, as well as appeal to consumers personally. Postal service allows more direct advertising to target markets and consumers, while informing known customers of improvements. During traditionally low seasons, tactical promotions and price advertising are also used to maximise aircraft capacity. Virgin Atlantic operates a frequent flyer programme, flying club to encourage loyalty in existing flyers. Virgin also markets to travel agents, who are the primary distributors of their airline seats. Along with the usual advertisements, the sales team offers various trade incentives, familiarization trips, and educational/social event deals. Conclusion: Marketing is, very evidently, the Virgin Antlantics key strength. However, the airlines limitations in destinations, is restraining their growth increase. Richard Branson, himself suggested that Virgin Atlantic will be able to reach market-leader reputation if expand from the trans-Atlantic routes, to across the world, while keeping its service, which acts as its key difference between them, and the rest.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

What Is Constructivism Essay -- Teaching Learning Learn Teacher Essays

What Is Constructivism Watching a young child grow from infancy to toddler hood, we marvel at the amount of learning that has allowed her to understand her expanding environment. Those early years provide the basis for language, physical dexterity, social understanding, and emotional development that she will use for the rest of her life. All of this knowledge is acquired before she even sets foot in school! This child has taught herself by gathering information and experiencing the world around her. This is an example of constructivism. Constructivism emphasizes the importance of the knowledge, beliefs, and skills an individual brings to the experience of learning. It recognizes the construction of new understanding as a combination of prior learning, new information, and readiness to learn. Individuals make choices about what new ideas to accept and how to fit then into their established views of the world (Brooks & Brooks, 1995). If you are a parent or plan to be a parent, Do you want your child to sit in a desk all day while the teacher lectures them on information that they need to know for life or would you rather have your child learn constructively? Constructivism has been labeled as the philosophy of learning that proposes learners need to build their own understanding of new ideas (Constructivism and the Five E?s,2001). Learning something new, or attempting to understand something familiar in greater depth, is not a linear process. The purpose of this research paper is to explain the theoretical foundations of the constructivist approach to teaching and learning, and to provide concrete examples to show the effectiveness of the constructivist approach with respect to student learning. The latest ... ...Received September 13, 2002 from Internet. Jerome Bruner. (2002). Received September 13, 2002 from Internet. Brooks, J.G. &Brooks, M.G. (1995). Constructing Knowledge in the Classroom. Retrieved September 13, 2002 for Internet. Chen, Irene. Cognitive Constructivist Theories. Received September 13, 2002 from Internet Chen, Irene. Social Constructivist Theories. Received September 13, 2002 from Internet. Martin, K. (2000). Alternative Modes of Teaching and Learning. Received September 13, 2002 from Internet. What Is Constructivism Essay -- Teaching Learning Learn Teacher Essays What Is Constructivism Watching a young child grow from infancy to toddler hood, we marvel at the amount of learning that has allowed her to understand her expanding environment. Those early years provide the basis for language, physical dexterity, social understanding, and emotional development that she will use for the rest of her life. All of this knowledge is acquired before she even sets foot in school! This child has taught herself by gathering information and experiencing the world around her. This is an example of constructivism. Constructivism emphasizes the importance of the knowledge, beliefs, and skills an individual brings to the experience of learning. It recognizes the construction of new understanding as a combination of prior learning, new information, and readiness to learn. Individuals make choices about what new ideas to accept and how to fit then into their established views of the world (Brooks & Brooks, 1995). If you are a parent or plan to be a parent, Do you want your child to sit in a desk all day while the teacher lectures them on information that they need to know for life or would you rather have your child learn constructively? Constructivism has been labeled as the philosophy of learning that proposes learners need to build their own understanding of new ideas (Constructivism and the Five E?s,2001). Learning something new, or attempting to understand something familiar in greater depth, is not a linear process. The purpose of this research paper is to explain the theoretical foundations of the constructivist approach to teaching and learning, and to provide concrete examples to show the effectiveness of the constructivist approach with respect to student learning. The latest ... ...Received September 13, 2002 from Internet. Jerome Bruner. (2002). Received September 13, 2002 from Internet. Brooks, J.G. &Brooks, M.G. (1995). Constructing Knowledge in the Classroom. Retrieved September 13, 2002 for Internet. Chen, Irene. Cognitive Constructivist Theories. Received September 13, 2002 from Internet Chen, Irene. Social Constructivist Theories. Received September 13, 2002 from Internet. Martin, K. (2000). Alternative Modes of Teaching and Learning. Received September 13, 2002 from Internet.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Essential Parts of a Business Letter Essay

Essential Parts of a Business Letter 1. Heading The heading is the return address of the sender. Many companies use letterhead paper which displays their address and the logo; if you do not use letterhead paper, write the sender’s address just below the date. 2. Date Include the date that you have written or sent the letter just below the letterhead, or above the sender’s address if you do not have letterhead paper. 3. Inside Address This is the address that you are sending your letter to; make sure it is written as completely as possible, and includes titles and names if these are known. This is displayed on the left hand margin of the page, and positioned so that it shows through the window in an envelope. 4. Salutation Begin the letter with a formal greeting, beginning with the word â€Å"Dear† and including the recipient’s surname. Always use a title for a business letter, unless you are close friends with the recipient. Using Mr. or Ms. along with a last name is a very professional salutation. 5. Body A business letter is rarely hand written, and depending on the style of letter you choose, paragraphs may be indented. Leave a blank line between paragraphs, as well as between the body of the letter and the salutation. A line should also be left between the body of the letter and the close. Write in professional language, avoiding slang, swearing and colloquialism. Keep a friendly tone, even if you are delivering bad news. It is good practice to use the final paragraph to detail any actions that you require the recipients to undertake. 6. Signature Conclude the letter by writing â€Å"Yours Faithfully† if you have begun the letter with ‘Dear Sir’, and â€Å"Yours Sincerely† if the salutation addresses the recipient by name. Below the space for your signature, write your full name and title. You may wish to include direct contact information, such as a telephone number or email address. Never use a postscript – write everything you need to in the body of the letter. Business Letter Styles and Formats Modified Block Style Modified block business letters use a slightly different format from the full block business letters. In the modified block style the return address, date, and the signature line are slightly to the right of the center of the paper. It is recommended you to tab over to the center of the letter and not use Ctrl-E which would distort the block. Figure [ 1 ]. Modified Block Style Semi-Modified Block Style A semi (modified) block style business letter is justified against the left margin with the exception of including the your return address, the reference line, and your closing, signature, and printed name. These are tabbed about one third to the right of the page. Figure [ 2 ]. Semi-Modified Block Style Simplified Style Simplified Style is a form letter that is almost akin to a form of Full Straight but just without any opening and closing greetings. Usually this letter in the go to people who are currently working in that company. Sometimes this simple Form letter writing is very simple without the need to look at neatness and order. The parts of a letter from a simplified style. Figure [ 3 ]. Simplified Style Indented Style Indented Style is a form of a letter in which the letters in go have a paragraph formation line shaped stairs going down. The shape of this Curve usually have a paragraph so that it doesn’t look clean but looks structured primarily in the shape of a Letter addressed in a line any a formations such as the ladder down. The parts of a letter from a indented style. Figure [ 4 ]. Indented Style Hanging Indentation Style Usually the business letters are written on the letter head of the company. In case you have to write your letter in a white paper, please write your address before you start writing your letter. There are few people who suggest writing the sender’s address just below the date. This is also acceptable. There is not strict rule to suggest what is best for you. Let your sense of business judgment rule. Figure [ 5 ]. Hanging Indentation Style Kinds of Business Letters Letter of Intent A letter of intent spells out in detail the circumstances under which an agreement between the writer and the reader would be made. It is not a contract; it merely states the intent to enter an agreement. Sales Letter Written to persuade the recipient to buy a product or service, sales letters are usually a part of a direct-mail marketing campaign and often are accompanied by packets, brochures, illustrations and/or catalogs. Information Request Letter In an information request letter, the writer requests information and explains why he needs it and/or how it will be used. Information Response Letter An information response letter is written in response to a request. Its purpose is to answer questions or provide requested information. It also may promote the business’s products or services. Customer Claim Response Letter In a customer claim response letter, the writer attempts to rectify the complaint spelled out in the customer’s claim letter. It should regain the recipient’s confidence in the business and promote it. Order Request Letter An order request is a letter in which a purchase is authorized. It lists the items being ordered vertically and typically includes the quantity, order number, description and unit price of each item. ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Read more: Essential Parts of Business Letters | [ 2 ]. [ 3 ]. [ 4 ]. [ 5 ]. [ 6 ]. [ 7 ]. : Kinds of Business Letters |

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Free Essays on Plato - Philosopher King

Much of Plato’s reasoning for philosopher-rulers centres around his belief that society should be rational and just. It would be important to note that ‘justice’ as referred to by Plato in his work and by other philosophers at the time, does not directly compare with the modern meaning. ‘Justice’ as it was then, was more what today we would call ‘righteousness’ or ‘goodness’. The aims of this essay are to examine the reasons behind Plato’s beliefs and the extent to which they are justifiable for the modern day as well as for ancient Greece. Much of Plato’s work is written in the form of dialogues, with Socrates, Plato’s tutor, cast as the main character. It is sometimes not clear, â€Å"where Socrates finishes and Plato begins†. However, concerning the subject of philosopher-rulers, I believe this distinction is not necessary. References to Socrates, especially regarding Republic, can be taken as Plato’s beliefs expressed through the character of Socrates and not the man himself. It is also important to note at this time, that the poleis (singular polis), or city-states, were nothing like the modern day ‘city’. The closest modern comparison would be the nation-state and not the city. This essay will first see Republic as a discussion of justice. Plato’s conclusion of justice led him to differentiate individuals’ souls into three parts that he relates directly to the polis. This will be examined along with some of the criticisms offered. Following from this, Plato’s ‘theory of forms’, its basis and conclusions as well as its distinction from Aristotle’s views, will be discussed. Once Plato’s theoretical basis is laid down, the structure he applies to his state will also be considered. This uses the ‘three-parted soul’ as a framework, the polis being split into three ‘tiers’ with philosopher-rulers at the top. Reasoning, practicality and criticisms of this are all discussed. The... Free Essays on Plato - Philosopher King Free Essays on Plato - Philosopher King Much of Plato’s reasoning for philosopher-rulers centres around his belief that society should be rational and just. It would be important to note that ‘justice’ as referred to by Plato in his work and by other philosophers at the time, does not directly compare with the modern meaning. ‘Justice’ as it was then, was more what today we would call ‘righteousness’ or ‘goodness’. The aims of this essay are to examine the reasons behind Plato’s beliefs and the extent to which they are justifiable for the modern day as well as for ancient Greece. Much of Plato’s work is written in the form of dialogues, with Socrates, Plato’s tutor, cast as the main character. It is sometimes not clear, â€Å"where Socrates finishes and Plato begins†. However, concerning the subject of philosopher-rulers, I believe this distinction is not necessary. References to Socrates, especially regarding Republic, can be taken as Plato’s beliefs expressed through the character of Socrates and not the man himself. It is also important to note at this time, that the poleis (singular polis), or city-states, were nothing like the modern day ‘city’. The closest modern comparison would be the nation-state and not the city. This essay will first see Republic as a discussion of justice. Plato’s conclusion of justice led him to differentiate individuals’ souls into three parts that he relates directly to the polis. This will be examined along with some of the criticisms offered. Following from this, Plato’s ‘theory of forms’, its basis and conclusions as well as its distinction from Aristotle’s views, will be discussed. Once Plato’s theoretical basis is laid down, the structure he applies to his state will also be considered. This uses the ‘three-parted soul’ as a framework, the polis being split into three ‘tiers’ with philosopher-rulers at the top. Reasoning, practicality and criticisms of this are all discussed. The...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How To Write Content That Sells Anatomy In A 6-Figure Post

How To Write Content That Sells Anatomy In A 6-Figure Post We all know that content marketing is a great, long-lasting way to increase revenue in your business. The good thing is, there are a lot of different ways to do it. Guest blogging, podcasting, webinars, social media, plus others like  proving yourself as an expert in various social media groups. The problem is, as Im sure youve discovered, not all the content you write actually does anything to bring in sales! Sometimes you write a piece of content and see a huge influx of leads/sales. Other times, youd be excited to hear a cricket chirping. So, how are you publishing content that sells? In this article Id like to show you the process I go through while creating content which has led to as much as 6 figures in real revenue from a single post (and many other examples). How To Write Content That Sells: The Anatomy In A 6-Figure Post via @JeremyReevesBefore I get into the step-by-step process I go through, I first have to get you to fully understand something... Social Shares And "Eyeballs" Do Not Matter Yes, I know they're good at helping with SEO. But if your content isn't producing real revenue, who cares? The point of creating content is to produce sales, not shares or views. Just think about all the cute memes you see on Facebook. They're inspiring. Sometimes they make you tear up (the ones about sons and fathers always get me!). They get insane amounts of shares. What good are social shares if your content doesn't sell? #sales #contentmarketingBut they don't lead to sales. The first mental shift you need to make is to stop caring (as much) about shares and instead focus on coming up with content ideas that make real sales. That said, let's jump into the good stuff, shall we? Step #1: Know Exactly Who You Can Help And What They're Looking For If you're going to sell more, you have to know exactly who it is that you're selling to. You also have to know exactly what it is that they want! This is something we all know, but very few of us really do the dirty work to figure out. Recommended Reading:  How To Find Your Target Audience In Content Marketing The more important point here is that once you know exactly who your perfect customer/client is, and exactly how you can help them best, you need to structure your content around those issues. You need to think in terms of the following sentence... "How will this content directly pre-sell a new client or customer on doing business with me?" Here's an example: I have a client I'm about to start working with. She's a naturopathic doctor who uses customized treatments based on your micro-nutrient profile to help high net worth individuals live a more high-performance lifestyle through their health. Her new program will be in the range of $6,000 per year (there are various price points). One of the things I'll be doing for her is building an automated webinar. When strategizing the content, you can bet I won't be talking about "7 steps to get a better night's sleep". That would do nothing to pre-sell the service we offer. Instead, it will be something along the lines of... "How A Simple 10-Minute Blood Test Can Boost Brain Performance 37% In 7 Days" I'll come up with something better than that (I haven't started the research yet), but you get the idea. It calls out to our specific audience (high performers) and will pre-sell them on her actual treatment. Write content that sells by  asking yourself, How does this pre-sell my business? #sales...Here's another example: I build sales funnels for my clients. My ideal client is someone who's already doing well, but wants to take their business to the next level and doesn't want to do all the work themselves. I could  write a blog post talking about the top 10 sales funnel tools I use for creating sales funnels. In fact, considering "number" posts get a lot of shares, I'm sure it would do well! The problem is, that doesn't pre-sell my own services. That simply pre-sells my audience on the tools I use but does nothing to demonstrate my own expertise. See the difference? How do you find content ideas that sell? Read this 5-step process. #sales #contentmarketingCompare that with a guest blog post I wrote for Visual Website Optimizer. That single blog post brought me in well over $100,000 in sales. Why? Throughout the rest of this article, I'd like to break it down for you. Let's start with... Step #2: Infuse Controversy Into Your Content Long form sales letters are a controversial topic. I won't go into all the details on that, but if you're a marketer, you're probably familiar with them. Maybe you even still think they don't work. (Hint: They do. I recently wrote a 45-minute long video which is producing a positive ROI on $10k per day ad spend.) The point is, this article sparked up A LOT  of controversy because the main audience was people who understood and were actively doing split-testing. I wrote this because I knew they might be interested in split-testing a long form letter after reading my article, and I was right. When you're developing article ideas, create a list of all the myths in your industry. Then make a list of all the "truths" in your industry that are false. For example, most people think eating breakfast in the morning helps you lose weight. The problem is, that's absolutely false. Your metabolism doesn't change over that short of a time period. In fact, many people lose weight by skipping breakfast so they can eat more satisfying meals later. Me included. THAT  is a good post, with a great chance of going viral because it might spark up some controversy. Controversial content inspires interest. Make it actionable to make it sell. #sales...The reason you want controversy is two-fold... Virality:  If you're looking for more people to view your post, controversy will help make that happen. Resonance:  Think of people like Rush Limbaugh or Howard Stern. You either LOVE or HATE them. But the fact is, the people who love them are absolute raving fans! The way you make more sales is by having raving fans, not people who are moderately interested in you. And now that you've chosen a topic that will spark up a little controversy in the industry, you need to plan out... Step #3: Demonstrate Proof And Expertise One of the secrets of a high-converting offer is demonstrating expertise. Infomercials are the masters at this. I'm working on an infomercial project right now and the amount of time they put into figuring out how to demonstrate the effectiveness of their products is absolutely breathtaking. The good news is you can do this through your content. Demonstrating proof and expertise is all about creating an "aha" in the readers' mind. You want to get them nodding in agreement with you. It creates a psychological connection... the same as sitting in an audience and nodding along as the speaker (i.e. the big authority in the room) gives his or her talk. You also want to make sure you sprinkle bits of proof throughout your content. One of my structures for an article is talking about a specific issue, and then giving some sort of example which adds credibility. This is why it's important to have a running list of case studies/testimonials and experiences you can pull from while you're writing. Include case studies, testimonials, and experiences in your content to build credibility.It doesn't just have to be a testimonial, though. There are a lot of different ways to be seen as an authority on your topic. Here are 7, just to get you started... Publicity:  People gain instant respect for anybody who has been talked about on the news! Scientific studies/statistics:  I use this primarily for health-related projects, however, you can find studies on almost anything these days! Simply look up "your topic statistics" in Google.  For example, "email marketing statistics". Stories:  Stories are the gateway to someone's heart. Compelling stories allow you to tap into the subconscious mind of your prospects and develop an instant bond unlike any other method of persuasion. Specialization:  Who do you trust more to fix your clogged arteries... your general doctor  or a heart surgeon? Comparisons:  Showing comparisons is the equivalent of demonstration. I've seen increases of 20%+ in conversion rates for my clients when adding comparison charts in the right places! Dismantling myths:  If you can break someone free of a myth that's hurting them, and get them to believe you, it gives you instant authority. Empathy:  The key to great marketing is understanding your customer better than your competitors. Similar to stories, empathy opens up the mind and allows them to quickly trust you, even if they hardly know you. Those are just a few pieces of proof you can sprinkle throughout your content. Once you've added in enough proof to get the readers to realize you're an authority they can trust, it's time for... Step #4: Salt The Wound Salting the wound is a crucial step. This varies for each person because you're all selling different products/services, but the point here is making the following connection in the reader's mind: The normal way is hard and/or ineffective My way makes it easy and effective That's it! The product/service you're selling is likely already making it easier, faster, and more effective for the person who's buying it. But you have to demonstrate that! In your content that sells, you have to spell out, in detail, the process needed to get the end result. You don't want to skimp here. You want to be extremely thorough and take it step-by-step. (Note: You should also do this in your main sales pages, like I do here.) You do this for two reasons... For The DIY'ers:  You want to make sure you're adding a lot of value to those people who will take your advice and actually do it themselves. If they do, great! Show How Complicated It Really Is:  You'll also have a huge portion of people who want to get it done, but then see how much work it's going to take and subconsciously decide that they'd rather hand the project to an expert (i.e. you). In other words, you're selling the process and end results. Yet by laying everything out in specific detail, you'll automatically attract those people who want the end result, but don't feel like going through the work to get it. For example, I once wrote an article for another very well-known blog (CrazyEgg) talking about crafting emails. In that article, I went into depth about my process for writing emails. For me, it's all intuitive and quick because I do it everyday... However, if you didn't write emails everyday like I do, it seems very daunting. That's why this step is so important. You're adding tremendous value to those who want to do it because you're telling them exactly what to do. Plus, you're proving your authority, because experts have step-by-step systems in place to do the work they do. Finally, you're automatically attracting those who see that you're an expert, understand why to do it, but don't want to do it themselves. It's a beautiful thing! Content that sells shows why the normal way is hard, then demonstrates a more effective way.And that's where the next step comes into play... Step #5: Understand The Exact Next Steps That Need To Happen Finally, you need to have 2–3 different lead generation options to send people to, based on your goals and the level of sophistication of your content. Let's say you're talking about a very basic topic in your marketing. An example could be a chiropractor talking about 3 ways to reduce lower back injuries. People who respond to this type of information will be at the beginning of their buyers' journey. In that case, you shouldn't immediately ask them to do business with you. Instead, you should send them to some sort of lead generation offer that is similar to what they just read. (So for example, a free report with 7 more steps to reducing injuries.) Compare that to an article talking about a 30-second stretch that reduces back pain NOW. People who resonate with that article will have back pain at this very instant. That means they would be much more open to calling you immediately to come in for an appointment because they want the solution right away. Content that sells inspires immediate action. #sales #contentmarketingConclusion If you put all these tips together and keep them in mind as you're strategizing your content, you should see an increase not only in CTR from your articles, you should also see a noticeable increase in readers turning into customers and clients. The best part is, all of these strategies can be directly applied to your sales funnel in your emails, webinars, sales pages, and everything else you're using to make more sales! I developed these strategies while building sales funnels for my clients, and simply used the same ideas for the very beginning of the funnel (i.e. the content/attraction part). Take a few minutes to re-read this so it really sinks in. Then go ahead and start figuring out how/where you can implement them in your business. And, of course, let me know if you have any questions and if this article has helped you!

Monday, November 4, 2019

Equity of Opportunity, Class Cleavages, the Role of the State, and Research Paper

Equity of Opportunity, Class Cleavages, the Role of the State, and Globalization - Research Paper Example I will discuss evidence of social and political motivation to end child poverty in Canada and will raise social change scenarios to direct attention to positive outcomes of implementing a guaranteed annual income for all Canadians, alleviating child poverty in Canada. 2. Objective My objective, in this paper, is to outline the issue of Child Poverty in Canada and to argue for a key solution to it, a guaranteed annual income for all Canadians. I intend to build a logical, persuasive argument, well-documented by reputable sources, calling for ethical action for society’s benefit. 3. Thesis Statement The federal government should implement a guaranteed annual income for all Canadians to alleviate child poverty. 4. Outline I. Introduction A. Provide definitions and Canadian interpretations of child poverty. B. Child poverty is inversely correlated with income. C. The federal government should implement a guaranteed annual income for all Canadians to alleviate child poverty. II. Li terature Review and Discussion A. Discuss child poverty in Canada. i. In one of the richest countries, 1,400,000 children live in poverty. ii.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic - Assignment Example According to Birkett (2005), response parameters measures in an organism involve aspects like blood pressure, concentration of hormones produced by the drug or severity of side effects. The first point when the curve diverts from the zero scale represents the threshold drug dosage. At this concentration, the drug starts exhibiting desired response from the organism. As concentration increases, the graph gets steeper. This means the levels of response increases together with severity of a drug’s side effects. At extremely high dosage, the curve grows almost flat again meaning adverse biological response and even fatality. Technically, drug response time may delay, causing a wrong response to be measured and plotted in a exposure-response graph. Delay in response is caused by the effect of drug distribution and re-distribution around the body system. When data from such unconventional measurements are plotted, they give either clockwise or anticlockwise hysteresis loops. In pharmacokinetics, hysteresis loops signifies presence of delayed response with changing drug concentration. At times, the hysteresis loop can assume a clockwise direction. An anticlockwise hysteresis loop usually results from the differing responses associated with distribution and re-distribution of the drug’s active components to site of action. On the contrary, a clockwise hysteresis loop occurs when there is rapid tolerance whereby after the first administration, tolerance develops which makes similar drug concentrations to cause different responses. After tolerance is developed, a succeeding dosage of similar concentration causes a greater effect than the first level of concentration. As acknowledged earlier, hysteresis in food or drug compounds results from differing responses associated with similar level of substance concentration. Hysteresis occurs when there is either tolerance of the substance or as an effect of substance distribution properties. Numerous